Friday, March 14, 2008

Earn extra income through Blogsvertise..

If you're a blog owner like me and you want to make some extra cash using it, you can try to join blogsvertise. Once you join blogsvertise, then you can start make some review, complain, or anything about products given to you as you like, as long the main objective of displaying website urls three times assigned by blogsvertise is done. So here is how blogsvertise works (as seen on blogsvertise website):

  1. We assign tasks to registered members with the internet website address and what to talk about on their blog. The topics/tasks will be simply emailed to you once your account registration is approved.
  2. You write up an entry in your blog about the internet advertiser however you want! You can review the site, compliment it, relate to it somehow in your daily life, or even complain about it, and link to the website at least 3 times in your blog/journal entry. Click Here to Login & Check Tasks
  3. In exchange blogsvertise Pays YOU in paypal per blog entry, for writing about the advertisers web site. Payouts are automatically sent to you after your entry is approved and the payout period has passed.
The current rate for one task is around $4 - $25, but normally you will be paid around $5 - $15 for completing one task. So if you do 10 task, then you can earn about $50 - $150. Not really bad. In fact, it's a good offer for such an easy task :)

Wanna try it? Just click here to register for free!

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